Liz Longley

NDCC Annual Meeting - Wednesday 15th May

The Conservators of Nettlebed and District Commons would like to invite you to their Annual Meeting to be held at Nettlebed Community Hall at  7.00pm on Wednesday 15th May.


The programme for the evening will include:


A Brief Update presented by our Chairman Peter Allport on the progress made in 2019 and the support given by the Friends of the Commons, which is greatly appreciated. 


A presentation by Lynn Parker, Programme Manager for The Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment 

Lynn’s talk will cover the aims and activities of the Trust and will report on a selection of environmental projects that the Trust has supported in South Oxfordshire, including the Conservators’ conservation schemes on Nettlebed & District Commons. 


Finger Food - provided by the Conservators, with complimentary wine and soft drinks, which have kindly been donated.


 Husbands, Wives and Partners are welcome to attend but to assist with catering numbers, please email me to confirm attendance and feel free to pass this to anyone you know who could be interested in attending.

Liz Longley - Clerk to the Conservators -
